Houston 2020 Visions
Houston 2020 Visions was the inaugural exhibition at the new home of Architecture Center Houston (ArCH.) It showcased a year-long competition soliciting innovative ideas and solutions that sought a broader perspective on challenges related to the emerging threats of global climate change.
Exhibition Design, Print Production,
I joined the organization after the initial submissions for Houston 2020 Visions had already been received. These submissions showed significant variation in terms of content type and quantity. The original guidelines for these submissions were quite vague, if they existed at all. No one on staff had a plan yet for how the winning projects would eventually be presented in the upcoming competition exhibition.
To address this issue, I took the initiative to create a template for exhibition boards and a corresponding set of stylistic guidelines that detailed specific guidelines for using them. These tools were intended to bring cohesion to the 20+ 'promising practice' and 'vision' project submissions. The guidelines were carefully crafted to maintain flexibility in how the content could be displayed while ensuring a consistent look and feel for all the projects on display.
I made the exhibition board template files available to the architecture firms that had submitted their work. Additionally, I collaborated with architects from these firms to reformat their project submissions according to the guidelines I had established for this new exhibition system.
The resulting exhibition reflects the careful curation and organization of what were deemed “Promising Practices” and outstanding “Visions” from all of the submissions. Here these projects are presented as “Clusters” of ideas with so-called “Gaps” in submitted entries that highlight other noteworthy resiliency issues.
Here you can see Houston City Council Member David W. Robinson (At-Large Pos. 2) welcoming the exhibition's first visitor, Mayor Sylvester Turner.